4. The ADAM Method new Planetary Natal-Chart:
Our objective in working with the ADAM Natal –Planets Charts is to clarify and enhance our direct connection with our Being Essence and gain knowledge of its inner structure. Aided by these charts, one may continue to develop one's essence and investigate the level of development attained.

A clear presentation of this new tool requires planetary structure realignment relating to the three celestial bodies Earth, Moon and Sun, in their new role in ADAM method as natal planets:
• The Sun's location on standard astrological charts is actually the location of the Earth. The sun
signifies the planetary system itself, its relation to the Zodiac and the eon in which a person is born
and lives. In The ADAM Natal charts, the sun as the center of the system is therefore located in the
center of the chart's zodiac.
• At the moment of a person's birth, (a person born on Earth that moves through all the astrological
signs), the planet Earth is a natal planet under a certain sign (state of Being). Practically speaking,
it is clear that the sun indicates under which specific sign of the zodiac Earth is located. According to
our system, we observe the entire system from the point of view of the Sun.
• In relation to the moon that is located in your chart, according to the ADAM Method you need to
determine whether you were born under the feminine or the masculine moon.
According to the lunar calendar, the waxing moon, from the first to the fifteenth of the month, is
masculine; while the waning moon, from midnight of the fifteenth through the end of the month,
is feminine.
These Natal Planets now participate, together with all the other known planets, in life's cosmic dance.
The planets' locations in the ADAM Natal-chart indicate our innate potential to advance at a greater or lesser speed along a given portion of our development.
Use of the Natal-charts will enhance your understanding of the following topics:
• A Natal planets chart is an objective overview of a certain alignment and also contains person's
individual approach to his true Being Essence.
• Portrayal of a person at a given moment must reflect the degree of individual Essence realization
reached in the course of his or her life.
The new ADAM Natal-Chart is conceived on the foundations of ADAM Method's knowledge; nevertheless it corresponds with the basics of modern astrology. You may need some prior familiarity with your birth date Ephemeris information. (www.astro.com, enter – 6000 years Ephemeris).
The newly elaborated ADAM Natal-Chart tool provides us with a unique approach, simple to understand, and fascinating in current use: ADAM Natal-Chart contains, besides the main Zodiac and Ephemeris information, two very important elements. Emanating from the Emotional Body and the Mental Body.
They are manifested as two unique symbols on the Natal-Chart.
• The primal Emotional Virtue in life
• The primal Essential Attribute in life
They are represented by the corresponding primary Emotional-Virtue card and the primary Planetary-Initiation card given to you.
These orienting elements, direct you to the real meaning and the Being-Essence of your Life's mission.
The primal Guiding Emotional Virtue:
Your first (primal) Emotional Virtue, represented by one of the Emotional virtues cards, is chosen by the Method's Mentor and given to you in your ADAM Natal- Chart. This primal emotional virtue will remain illuminated, and serve as a true Emotional Being-center.
With the reception of this initial connection with your primal emotional virtue, it must be understood that the virtue chosen is associated with your Mission-in-life.
This Guiding Virtue is your springboard to fulfillment and an expression of excellence. It will assist in choosing your Way in life and Guiding from your personal experience to help others attain the same virtue in daily life.
The primal Activating Essential Attribute:
Your first (primal) Essential Attribute, represented by one of the Planetary Initiation cards ("Initiation-Station"), is chosen by the Method's Mentor and given to you in your Natal-chart. With this primal "Initiation-station", you can activate any field of endeavor and its essential attributes (Initiation Stations) and commence practicing the Art of Life. This attribute will remain illuminated, and serve as a true Mental Being-center. It must be understood that the attribute chosen is associated with your Mission-in-life.
In fact, it is now within one's power to Be in the Mental Center. With this primal essential attribute you should allow yourself to encounter your everyday life situations, thus preventing errors in interpreting your rightful intention and purpose, through self-examination.
Mutual action in the ADAM Natal-Chart:
The description of the ADAM Natal Chart indicates the sun – in the center of the Zodiac, the wheel with its 12 Being States and their Astrological signs. It also contains the 11 natal planets–12 field of endeavors – represented by their symbols. (The natal-planet Moon is responsible for two Fields of Endeavor – Yearning and Growth). These 11 natal planets symbols are located, according to the natal situation - day of birth - in the corresponding Being States (astrological signs) and act, each of them, as a specific "Initiation-station" (Essential attribute).
Working with the ADAM Natal Chart, we apply together the Activating Essential Attribute, with the Guiding Emotional virtue. We can, by mutual action, connect ourselves to the two symbols – the primal elements – situated in the ADAM Natal-Chart, and to each one of our 11 natal planets.
These natal planets appearing in the birth chart, which are actually the fundamental attributes (the birth "initiation stations"), will remain illuminated and serve as a true physical Being-center.
It must be understood that the 11 fundamental attributes (Initiation Stations, natal planets) chosen by your day of birth, are associated with your Mission-in-life. They start to resonate mutually in the corresponding Being-states located in our body ("Vital Centers" – Chakra).
The Mutual action of these Primal Elements will give us a new orientation and affirm our ability to understand and act in our holistic daily life. Now we can start to verify our right sensation of reinforcement and help to persons and situations, by thinking, feeling, and sensing our Mission in life.
The verbal expression of the following Individual Being-Statement helps you to fully understand your Mission-in-life:
“Being one with The Guiding Virtue and while working with the Activating Essential attribute, I can strive to reconnect myself to my Mission in life".
Important remark
In case you choose to adopt your "compass" to your Mission-in-life with your Individual Natal chart Report, through the Homepage linkage or the Basic workshop, and you are ready to start to tackle the issues in actual daily life situations:
It is highly recommended that you should begin a real daily life Work under the guidance of an accredited ADAM Method guide.
Additional important insights are explained in the ADAM Method Manual Book and corresponding workshops. Concerning further work with the New Planetary cards deck and the Emotional Virtues cards:
You could receive personal directions from the Method's mentor, regarding further initiation work with the Planetary and Virtue cards related to your actual initiation station and an actual virtue.
The ADAM Natal-Charts and related information are available through this.