The ADAM Method
The ADAM METHOD Practice Options.
A. Personal Work: Individual, Intuitive, Natal Charts. We recommend that people who prefer personal Work methods participate in introductory practice workshops, thus accelerating their personal development through work on aspects of Attention, Being-centers, energy rays, fields of consciousness, etc.
B. Systematic Work: Guides, Study Groups, Workshops. Systematic Work offers a fundamental perspective; it involves medium-term practice of all aspects of the ADAM Method, and participation in a series of practice workshops, covering the Physical, Emotional and Mental aspects of ADAM Method's Self-Initiation. Workshop venues and registration details are provided in the News and Activities section.
C. Online Work: "Virtual" Individual Guidance. Accredited Method guides are available online in order to aid you:
• Choosing the specific Cards that answer your question relating to a specific topic.
• Work on One planetary card, helping to make a correct decision in your actual situation
corresponding to one field of endeavor.
• Work on Set of 3 Planetary-cards, helping to make a correct decision in more
initiation-stations in the game of life.
• Work on One Emotional virtues card, guiding the accordance of the two Initiation-
Stations with the definition of the Virtues.
• Interpret and diagnose the New Natal- planets Charts according to the ADAM Method.
The Practice Methods actually allows one to Be in our whole body, to "open" to Work on oneself, as clay is "opened" on a potter's wheel. There is no force involved; the Work "is done" through us. We must allow ourselves to become familiar with situations in our daily lives, so as to provide relevant (essential) explanations for our intentions, preparations, and directions toward our goal:
To be a fully realized human being