The ADAM Method
The Physical Body - Initiatory work
Enhanced Sensory Evaluation Initiation work, operates through the physical body and the spinal column. This initiation reveals our bodies six primary directions and the six secondary directional movements flowing throughout our organs, as well as their real sensory evaluation.
Yoga, Zen, martial arts and other traditional schools that work through the body, constitute attempts to penetrate the first dimension, or the physical body, implying that, with practice on the physical dimension, we may increase our powers in other bodies.
Humanity's mission is self-study and development of all of a person's bodies, a goal that may be obtained by penetrating one's physical body habits and all that they imply.
It must be understood that Work on this physical body is, long and difficult as it involves altering our habits, and requires close contact with a teacher capable of facilitating access to the motor habits dominating our daily lives. Enhanced Sensory Initiation proposed Work, is based on miniscule, minimal motions; eventually proceeding to the larger movements that communicate new ways of using our bones, muscles and joints to the brain.
The Work is carried out through the guide's hands, which, through touch, sense the motor potentialities of the pupil's joints, bones, tendons and muscles and their Objective motor direction.. Objective motor direction refers not only to one's habitual sensation of gravitational force but to movement along an inner sensory axis, accompanied by a sensory intention and appreciation.
Much has been said about the prophet Ezekiel's vision of dry bones, which states that the dead will arise again at the End of Days, reborn in actual flesh and blood. Sleep is actually an endless rerun of certain habits, and our incapacity to see other potentialities. Awakening, therefore, is the opportunity to choose – the capacity to identify habits and create new motor states.
The moment the brain receives an indication of pain from the neck, it blocks motor ability for that part of the body, silencing the disturbance, expressed as a sensation of pain relayed from the region of the neck. In fact, the brain will allow minimal, non-painful motion, so that the affected body-part remains vital.
The ADAM Method comprises an entire complementary therapy facet, an enlargement of this Enhanced Sensory self-initiatory work, which is intended specially for Essence-Healing professional therapy. A detailed description is found in the ADAM Therapy page.
Over time, we will feel that connecting to the physicals sensations of pain or freeing oneself from its fetters (it hurts…it doesn't hurt) isn’t sufficient, and that we needed to explore the deeper sources of the essence of pain, emanating from the emotional body (the soul). This Enhanced sensory evaluation will guide us in the process of comprehending the Emotional body.