About us
The ADAM Method is a new way to the Being Essence of Life.
The ADAM Method, a unique new system, is established on a universal objective Being Language. The New way to the Being Essence of Life comprises: The 12 Being–States (Vital Centers, Chakras) and the 156 Initiation Stations, through which we reveal the Astral objective language; learning to recognize and use initially the letters connecting us to our Mission in Life. All this links us as individuals to the seed of our Essence and its evolution.
This Method provides us with:
A precise analysis of the physical body and various obstructions and pain relief.
A knowledge of the human Virtues, recognizing the real I.
Understanding the Life-Mission through the personal ADAM Natal Chart/Horoscope.
Practical Work coping in daily life within all the 12 fields of endeavor.
Adam Ben Mayor, founder of the System, resides in Basel, Switzerland.
With more than 20 years of experience in Alexander Technique and ADAM Therapy.
He has developed this new system, which works on the 3 bodies of the human being and it’s vital energy. ADAM Method comprises a comprehensive Guiding Book, a deck of Initiatory Cards and different useful tools kits.
I have chosen this name - ADAM - as the name of the method, to remind us that our goal in life is to become one: This Method strives to reflect our sincere desire to attain inner freedom, to renew the fruitful connection with the universe and peace for the humanity.
"We all, as one body, acknowledge
the sanctity of the universe
in which we exist."
The ADAM Method guides us in treading the Path to fulfillment as independent human-beings capable of true sensation, feeling and thought.
"Taken together, these three practicing aspects constitute a whole unique method."
This Method is an integrated, tri-leveled system of Work on oneself.
It is a precise Self-Initiation Method, simple and available for everyone. It is based on personal capacity for self-help through the art of taking small and sure steps in our everyday, routine life, experiencing them as a source of light and joy.
Мy step-by-step personal Way of initiation included study and practice of verified traditional methods, such as the Alexander Technique, the Gurdjieff Work, Rider-Waite tarot, Mental Healing, classic astrology and more.
Following my amazing 18-year journey on the Way of true initiation, I've developed a new harmonious method of Work on oneself comprising a Comprehensive Book and unique set of work tools, such as Essential Card decks and Mission-in-life Natal charts.
These Work techniques were developed following years of successful practice, my own as well as that of my students in Switzerland, Germany and Israel, resulting in an integrated approach to Work on the Essence of Human being.
The Way of Self-Initiation- The ADAM Method, is designed for those interested in improving and strengthening their capabilities in significant life’s fields of endeavor, and deepening essential connections with their human and physical environment.
As the ADAM Method development was unfolding through the years, it became clear to me that a person interested in this development, should start the way by perceiving and connecting oneself to his or her Mission in life. I feel that this is part of my pioneering contribution to convey the Life to you trough personal meetings and complementary communication channels.
Presentation of the ADAM Method and Practical work
Personal presentation of the entire Method – 1 hour Free meeting
Practical work - 4 Meetings (A – D)
Recognizing the Being-essence of the human's three bodies – Physical, Emotional and Mental:
A. Personal holistic presentation of the Physical Body – 1st meeting
B. Revealing the individual Mission in Life – 2nd meeting with the ADAM Method's Mentor
C. The ADAM Natal-Chart Report – 3rd meeting with the ADAM Method's Mentor
The new ADAM Natal-Chart (Report) tool provides you with a unique approach, to discover the true meaning of daily life
D. ADAM Method Book + Planetary cards Deck: 4th Advise-meeting with Method's Mentor
Advice work with set of 3 Planetary-cards for new impulse in daily life.
ADAM Therapy - The work on the physical Body (Practical Lessons)
Relief of localized pains, as a result of steady improvement of posture.
(based on Alexander Technique).
Fruits of ADAM Method &Therapy practical work:
Immediate Results:
• Relief of localized pain, as a result of steady improvement of posture.
• Feeling of well-being, as a result of replenishment of energy depleted
• Renewed interest in self-observation and self-study.
Long-Term Results:
• Realization of the potentiality of Working on oneself through natural means,
strengthening confidence in one's ability to cope with physical and emotional difficulties
• Enhanced ability to objectively envision One's Self, and communicate positively with one's daily life
Sense, feel, and relate in the right way to yourself and others.
You are kindly welcomed to attend a personal presentation of the ADAM Method.
Free meeting -
It is also recommended to combine the personal presentation of the entire ADAM Method with practical knowledge work on yourself, by booking in addition one. Personal holistic presentation and practical work on the Physical Body – 1 hour meeting.
You can Telephone 00 41 078 819 67 06 and book one meeting.
Send a message to info@adam-method.com
The concept of the ADAM Method
The entire ADAM METHOD apparatus is build on 3
ADAM - School
ADAM - Nepta System Verlag
ADAM – Therapy
Supported through homepage www.adam-method.com
The ADAM Method School is built on series of personal meetings and workshops. Each and every meeting and workshop helps to deepen the knowledge of the human Initiation path in the daily life. The school is committed to develop and diffuse this Knowledge. The School has a clear initiation path represented by the ADAM Workshops section in the home page.
The Nepta System Verlag is the official registered name for the ADAM METHOD. Its role is to support the ADAM School, develop and provide printed material to the school and reserve the Copyright of all the different products existing within in the ADAM School. The financial and accounting activities are supported by the Nepta system Verlag.
The ADAM Therapy is based on the study and experience of more than 20 years of practice work on patients, working in a Pain-treatment Center and also the Basel clinic. This huge amount of practical work leads to different stories of helping and curing patients in Switzerland and Germany (see links in the homepage of documented stories). The ADAM Therapy has its own concept and financial entity. The ADAM Therapy evolves on the basis of Alexander technique, accepted by the Health Insurance Institutions. It supports and enriches also the ADAM Method School. Discovering the healing secretes of the Human physical body, is the base to farther development of the knowledge of the human Initiation path in the daily life.
The Team of the ADAM Method Center

Adam Ben Mayor: Founder and developer of ADAM School, Nepta System Verlag and Author of the ADAM Method book "The Way of Self Initiation in daily life". Adam Has more than 20 years experience in Alexander Technique and ADAM Therapy, as teacher, therapist and mentor in Switzerland, Germany and other countries.

Rubin Ben Sharif: Adviser and developer of the ADAM Method's Workshops network teaching concept. Rubin is in charge also as main instructor in the ADAM Method School.

Svetlana Meli: Secretarial organization adviser.