The ADAM Method
The Mental Body - The Energy of Being-states - Initiatory work:
The principles governing the planets' movement from one astrological sign to the next in our system differ from the accepted astrological order, which was fixed thousands of years ago. The new order determining planetary passages within the body represents the movements from one sign to another (from one State of Being to another) according to their location along the spinal column, from the parietal region in the head – Capricorn, along the spine, to the tail bone – Sagittarius. This configuration may be illustrated through the Path of Initiation matrix, which I developed according to the following two principles:
The first principle of the proposed path describes movement from the "base" to the "subtle" dimensions of the universe. These dimensions are called the four elements of existence, and movement along this path commences from the Earth element, continues through Water and Air, and reaches Fire. I associated three signs to each of the four elements, as we shall see in the Axis of Elements in the following Table;

The second principle, also based on modern astrology, states that each sign of the Zodiac represents one of the physical, emotional, or mental "qualities" that characterize everything in existence, as we shall see in the Axis of Qualities in Table; According to existing comprehension, each of the four elements contains all the three qualities.
However, the order and location of the astrological signs (states of Being) within the human body correlates to the Being-centers (chakras, flowers of knowledge), which may be sensed, and these are placed vertically – from the top down along the spinal column. The significance of this vertical direction – ascending or descending, is enigmatic and will be explained later. The arrangement in this order is called the "Development matrix" of a natal planet, which is also expressed also by the Miraculous Matrix-Symbol.
The Development Matrix and the ADAM symbol

Being-States, Physical Locations, Names and Radiance colors:
The human being's vertical axis (the spinal column) is marked by interactive energy centers, or zones, which receive the cosmic resonance of the twelve (natal) planets. These zones parallel, in effect, the twelve celestial signs of the zodiac (in the twelve essential States of Being!) In our system, we will call them either "energetic Being-states centers -(Vital centers)", "flowers of knowledge", "chakras" (following the Hindu tradition), "spheres" (following the Kabala), or "terminals" (as they are called in contemporary communications).
Understanding the radiance colors, as shown in the illustration, provides an additional and necessary dimension to our Work experience of the chakras of our initiatory path. As we enter a flower of knowledge (Being-state, Vital Center) along the spinal column, we will try to experience and sense the exact Energy vibrations of that zone (astrological sign, state of Being), and the radiance color (Color of Creation).
This experience will complete our full understanding of our Being-state Energy at that location.

Initiation Work begins with the study of the theories presented in the ADAM Method book.
Once the ideas begin to awaken a desire to experience and practice, you may start individual authentication and verification of the theoretical material. This is to be achieved through connecting to free Attention, and through conscious intention toward an intense sensation of one's Self.
For those participating in Method workshops, this work constitutes a major theme in developing the skills required for implementation and teaching of the Method.