The ADAM Method
The Mental Body - Initiatory work
We were born with physical and emotional bodies with certain innate potentialities; we also have a mental body that is capable of development. Nature has imprinted a given effect on our Being and growth, in a situation in which all of the celestial planetary bodies existing in certain astrological signs influence the moment of our birth.
We are born within a certain planetary alignment of celestial bodies in our solar system. These constitute a system of "analogous lenses", as it were, that transmits and concentrates cosmic forces. These forces influence our character traits, emotions and thoughts, as well as our bodies. In other words, these forces act upon a person at the physical, emotional and mental levels. We realize the need for holistic vision and practice as a Way to self-knowledge; a coherent and effectively significant Way of functioning in daily life.
The world we are born into is real and we can find our precise place in its entirety. We can navigate freely and in a more organized manner, and connect, within ourselves, to our great variety of capacities – those that will help us bridge the lack and fulfill our role and mission in life.
Therefore, we must begin working on the twelve "earthly aspirations", or the twelve fields of endeavor, as they are manifested in our everyday lives, participating in the "game of life" that is so interesting.
The entire solar system appears within each and every human being, in a precise reduced scale. This is the axis, the spinal column and the head, including all of its nerve nodes, blood vessels, the immune system and the energetic channels through which the "cosmic influences" of orbiting planets are transmitted.
The vertical axis (the spinal column) is marked by interactive energy centers, or zones, which receive the cosmic resonance of the twelve (natal) planets. These zones parallel, in effect, the twelve celestial signs of the zodiac!
Each celestial body in this system The natal planets – Mercury, Venus, Feminine Moon, Earth, Masculine Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, plays a certain role, is connected to and responsible for a "field of endeavor“, the integral flow of corresponding energies, and participates in determining the circumstances of a person's everyday life and those of one's environment.
The mental body in our system, is comprised of 156 elements (vital Attributes and skills): Each planet representing a field of endeavor, passes through the twelve aspects of the astrological signs (states of Being), corresponding to 12x12=144 "Initiatory stations". In addition to the 144 Initiatory stations, we take into account the twelve primary Being-States (the Astrological signs), altogether 156 elements.