Advanced Workshop for professional therapists
Basic Training on the personal practical understanding and the skill of presentation of the 4 principal elements of the Method;
Physical, Emotional, Mental and the Being-Energy:
• Training of the Therapists on the skills of presenting the initiation of ADAM Method Elements to
their clients.
• Physical – Training on group mutual work, for practical personal application of the 12 main
Spatial–Directions; Basic notions of independent application of the Enhanced Sensory Appreciation,
enriching their personal methods.
• Mental – Training on the personal use and application of the Planetary Initiation Cards; opening and
"reading" personal Cards to clients and basic consultation; identification of the main working Initiatory
Station of clients, opening the perception of their Mental Body and the participation of this body in
daily work.
• Emotional – Training on the personal understanding and practice of the Emotional Virtues Cards;
experiencing themselves and interpreting the Emotional mission and Virtues of clients in daily life.
• Energy of Being – Training on the personal understanding of the Natal-Chart. Personal Work on the
different Being-Centers, Fields of Endeavor, and the natal planets; experiencing themselves and
interpreting basic notions of clients Natal Charts.
• Economical model of incorporating ADAM Method elements into the therapist's work and the
continuous relation with the ADAM Method Center.
• Communication and presentation skills for further training in advanced courses and System
Duration of the workshop is 56 hours, in 16 sessions period.
The workshop is imparted by authorized ADAM method guides; Verification of level of understanding and professional support, by the pivotal principal Mentor. The graduates receive the Basic level Guiders Certificate.
From this stage on, participating members can choose three paths of initiation development:
1. Further personal development through the ADAM Method Website, and personal calls, acquiring
central-source guidance and skill tools.
2. Participation in a variety of special courses of unique subjects of the Method.
3. To enroll into the Initiation School of ADAM Method.