Plan and Sequence
Presentation: ADAM Method, New way to Being-essence
Practical demonstration to a group of interested people.
Introduction to the "Being essence" of ADAM Method:
Experience and theory, imparted by an authorized ADAM Method teacher assisted, by a local pivotal guide.
Personal Initiation with the Mentor:
First meeting: Recognizing the Being-essence of the three bodies – Physical, Emotional, and Mental:
Enhanced Sensory Initiation, demonstration of the spatial directions.
Personal meeting, Being-essence practicing with the ADAM Method's Initiator. Work on opening the Body, Emotion and Mind.
Second meeting: Emotional Mission Initiation, transmutation of the Emotional Virtues Mental Mission Initiation, recognition of the new planetary Essential Attributes (Initiation Stations).
Third meeting: Receipt of the personal Natal-Chart.
Receipt of the personal mission Virtue (first contribution Emotional Virtue card).
Receipt of the personal mission Attribute (first activating Essential Attribute Planetary-card).
Forth meeting: Membership, acquiring the Manual Book and the planetary deck of cards
Advice work with set of 3 Planetary-cards: Helping to make a correct decision in more initiation-stations in the game of life.
Individual continuous work:
Following Personal Work at home, studying the ADAM Manual book. Experience and understanding on the text and its meaning.